
Tuesday, June 07, 2005


hae mamma gott ad heyra ad allt gengur vel
Eg hitti Emmu a eftir, mun vera her i amk 4 daga tar sem svo mikid er ad sja herna. Vaentanlega mun hun syna mer ymisslegt. Sidan veit eg ekki med hverjum ef flakka um sudur Peru, tad verdur ekkert vandamal tad eru svo margir herna a bakpokaferdalagi.

Well I just love Cusco, it is beautiful, it is clean, it has amazing buildings all around and it has so many nature sight and inca ruins that i just dont know where to begin.
And it is a LOT more safe than lima, i feel much much better heare, only problem is pocket thieves. and so many people trying to sell you stuff.
Today i went horse riding and saw some of the inca ruins it was amazing. I have been hanging out with 3 american kids, they are lovely.

Hrabba og Gummi hvad segid tid? eitthvad akvedid med Braziliu?

Hvernig var afmaelisveislan Halli

Love Stella


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