
Saturday, June 11, 2005

More Inca ruins

Hae pabbi og mamma. Gott ad vita ad allt er i orden.

Agust, hvad er planid hja ter i sumar.
Halli fekkstu emailid fra mer? sendi tad a halliflug@hotmail.com

Hae Sandra Tad vaeri frabaert ef tu faerir i MR en tu kemst samt orugglega inn i kvenno. Kvenno a reyndar ad vera frabaer.

Sendi ter sma sol Lilja min. Eg er ordin brun i framan (sma)

Takk fyrir ad fara med toskuna fyrir mig Doddi. Gott ad vita ad allir komust heilir heim fra Kubu

Hildur og Anna K. Eg er alveg ad fara ad skrifa bref um kubu og peru, aetla ad senda a hildi og hildur tu sendir svo afram a Onnu. Tarf bara ad finna tima til ad skrifa

Hello everybody

Things continue to be great here in Peru. The nights are freezing though. I have been spending the last days with Emma my swedish friend and her boyfriend Efrain. They are lovely and so much fun. We have just been wandering around different, not so well known Inca ruins and taking the local buses which means 20 people in a bus for 10. Very interesting. Or the taxis, which are even more interesting to take, for example yesterday we took a taxi, normal size car, with all togehter 8 people and 2 chickens, Me and Emma sat together in the front seat. Then last night we went to a great restaurant and listened to local musicand did some salsa. We were the only 2 blondes there i might add.

In july the 20th after i finish school i will do the Inca trail, an alternative pathway though and the best part is that Efrain( emmas boyfriend) will be the guide. it will be fun.

So new exciting traveling plans are getting formed, when i know i will write again.

Ciao ciao


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