
Friday, July 01, 2005


Well, i have been strugling with spanish the whole week so now it is time for a break. It is great living in my house, because there is only spoken spanish there, no english. Dina and her children are so lovely as well. The food is almost too good, i will get fat here since she gives us food 3 times a day.

The weekend I will spend in Cai Cay, a small village close to Cusco, about one hour in car. I am going camping with Peter ( irish). Jeff was gonna come with us but he cant.

Last night i said goodbye to Sheela and Flatimir, a lovely couple who live in Belfast. At the dinner there were also Micael from Canada and Franco from Israel. There was a lot of discussion about the situation in both israel and in Northen Ireland. It was very interesting to hear.

About Ireland, there has been peach for a couple of years in Northen Ireland, the Paramilitary (= The IRA) still controles a lot of neighbourhoods though. For exemple the neighborhood Flatimir and Sheela live in. They say the neighborhood is very quit because if you do something wrong you get one warning and after that the paramilitary punish you, for exemple if you beat up an old lady/ rob some hoses, and do this more than once you get a "6" meaning six bullets in your body and it will be written on the walls in your neighbourhood what you did. The neighboorhods are therefore considered very safe. The ones whom the IRA doesnt control are considered unsafe, with high crime rate.
They also said that at the moment there are more protestants in northen ireland, they dont want to be part of ireland so in the elections they chose Brittain. Apparently Brittain wants to get rid of Northen Ireland, it is too expensive. But the Catholics bread faster so there is only a matter of time before the Catholics are more abundant. Then the votes will be for joining southern Ireland. But Flatimir said there might become a war again, cause the protestants will never agree to united Ireland.
Very interesting to hear from the locals.
Anyway dinner is in 3 minutes so see you all after the weekand
PS gott ad heyra ad allt gegnur vel fjolskyldan min,
PPS ekkert mal agust minn, tu skrifar tegar tu getur, mer finnst alltaf frabaert ad heyra fra ter.
PPS sendi ykkur simann minn eftir helgi, tad er nefnilega haegt ad hringja heim til min naestu 2 vikurnar, munid bara 5 tima muninn.


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