
Monday, July 25, 2005

Macchu Pichu2

Vá vá, tad eru engin ord nogu sterk til ad lysa tilfinningunni sem eg upplifdi tegar eg var i Macchu Pichu i gaer. Tetta er sa mest tofrandi stadur se eg hef sed. Vona ad tid faid sem flest taekifaeri til ad heimsaekja borgina.

Agust minn, hvernig er i Eyjum? eg sendi fleiri myndir.

Pabbi eg er flutt fra Dinu, hringi i tig.

vinir minir, eg sakna ykkar, skrifid mer endilega email, eda skrifid i gestabokina, bara eitthvad stutt svo eg viti hvad er ad gerast.

I just finished a 5 days hike to Macchu Pichu, a hike called Salkantay. It was absoloutly spetacular. We walked 6-7 hours each day. The first day and the last day were the hardest with most of thepath the 5 day uphill. but the wiew was amazing, the first 2 days it was raining and foggy but in between it cleared out and then there was this amazing mountain wiew, specially the first night when the Salkantay mountain was visible. The first night was freezing, -7degrees and my sleeping bag got wet, brrrrrrrrrr.
After 2 days the sun came through and then the landscape was more tropical but also spetacular mountains. The 4 day we walked up to August Caliente, a town 20 min drivefrom Macchu Pichu. The 5 day i stayed in Macchu Pichu, more spetacular ruins dont exist i think.

They estimated that 1000 people lived there in the Inca time. It was probably a leizure spot. Did you know that the incas had road all over peru, bolivia Equador and Chile and that it took a runner 6 days to deliver message from Cusco ( the navel of the universe for the Incas) to Quitos in Equador. Amazing. All of the things that were found in Macchu Pichu in 1913 are now in yale university, Bingham was the first scientist to come to the city ( the locals knew of it the whole time) and he exported everything to the USA. Of course everything should be in Peru.

Efrain, the guide and Emmas boyfriend ( Emma is one of my friends from Lund) was absouloutly adorable and did a great job. The group was fine. We were 15, mostly americans, canadians and english, and me.

I will only stay 2 more days in Cusco and that makes me sad, i feel very much at home here. Next stop is lake titticaca and then Bolivia.

Hope you are all well

Love Stella


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