The jungle
Hae pabbi.
Eg send email a tig ut af skattinum, eg borgadi 3oookr rumlega i einkabankanum en tad var reikningur fra fjarsylsu rikisins upp a 995kr sem eg gat ekki greitt (eindagi) eg sendi fyrir spurn til landsbankans um ad millifaera fyrir mig en teir svara ekki. Geturdu hringt i einhvern tjonustufulltrua og latid millifaera? Kolbrun sa lika um ad millifaera visa reikninginn svo geturdu spurt um tad. Geturdu einnig vid taekifaeri talad vid Solveigu hja eurocard vegna pin numers fyrir tad visakort, tad er nefnilega toluvert meira um ran her i Boliviu svo eg fel eurocardid fyrir neydartilvik en man ekki numerid.
Hae Halli , gaman ad vita ad tu fylgist med, vonandi ganga bilamalin vel
My friends, I have arrived in La Paz. The first thing i meet were couple of tourist policemen, that warned me about robberies, gave me the phonenumber of tourist police (loggur serstaklega fyrir turista) and told me to never acept search of "ununiformed policeman" aparantly a common trick for robberers here. This city feels fine though, there are policemen everywhere, at least in my area and i will be careful.
I met my dutch friend Annemiek and fly tomorrow for Rurrenbarque that is in the Bolivian Amazone jungle. Efrain my peruvian friend made me promise not to take the bus since the bus drives "the Death road", the most dangerous road in the world. We will stay there for 10 days and i dont know if i can write emails there or if there is a phone. So i might not write anything until the 13 th of august ( i return to La paz late the 12th)
Svo kaera fjolskylda hafid tad rosa gott a medan. skrifa skilabod vid fyrsta taekifaeri.
Ciao Gudny Stella
Eg send email a tig ut af skattinum, eg borgadi 3oookr rumlega i einkabankanum en tad var reikningur fra fjarsylsu rikisins upp a 995kr sem eg gat ekki greitt (eindagi) eg sendi fyrir spurn til landsbankans um ad millifaera fyrir mig en teir svara ekki. Geturdu hringt i einhvern tjonustufulltrua og latid millifaera? Kolbrun sa lika um ad millifaera visa reikninginn svo geturdu spurt um tad. Geturdu einnig vid taekifaeri talad vid Solveigu hja eurocard vegna pin numers fyrir tad visakort, tad er nefnilega toluvert meira um ran her i Boliviu svo eg fel eurocardid fyrir neydartilvik en man ekki numerid.
Hae Halli , gaman ad vita ad tu fylgist med, vonandi ganga bilamalin vel
My friends, I have arrived in La Paz. The first thing i meet were couple of tourist policemen, that warned me about robberies, gave me the phonenumber of tourist police (loggur serstaklega fyrir turista) and told me to never acept search of "ununiformed policeman" aparantly a common trick for robberers here. This city feels fine though, there are policemen everywhere, at least in my area and i will be careful.
I met my dutch friend Annemiek and fly tomorrow for Rurrenbarque that is in the Bolivian Amazone jungle. Efrain my peruvian friend made me promise not to take the bus since the bus drives "the Death road", the most dangerous road in the world. We will stay there for 10 days and i dont know if i can write emails there or if there is a phone. So i might not write anything until the 13 th of august ( i return to La paz late the 12th)
Svo kaera fjolskylda hafid tad rosa gott a medan. skrifa skilabod vid fyrsta taekifaeri.
Ciao Gudny Stella
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