
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Til hamingju med litlu prinsessuna Eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elsku Eva min, innilega til hamingju med litlu prinsessuna! Eg vildi oska ad eg vaeri a Islandi og gaeti heimsott ykkur oll nuna.
Eg trui tvi ekki ad eg missi af tremur fyrstu vikunum hennar.
Eg mun hringja eftir nokkra daga.
Knus og kossar og vid sjaumst eftir 3 vikur. Gudny

Saturday, October 29, 2005


hola amigso
i am in Mendoza. I just finished 36 hours bus ride, uff it was though but i slept through both the nights thanks to antihistamines.
Anyway this is a beautivul city, i am staying at a hostel called campo base 2. i met a english doctor Zoe and am hanging out with her. Today we are going to a wine tasting tour, it will be cool. Tomorrow i dont know what i am doing.
love Stella

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hola amigosnow
It is back to speaking spanish, it is really difficult to switch. I have now safely crossed over to Argentina.Yesterday and today i have visited the waterfalls, they are the second most spetacular sight i have seen after the Macchu Pichu. The argentinian side was more beautiful though. I traveled today with 3 guys from Spain, we rented a car. It was lovely and very good for my spanish. Now i am on my own, i am waiting for the bus for couple of hours. I was gonna go to Cordova but there are no buses today so i decided to go to Mendoza, it is a 36 hours ride from here, uff. it will be difficult. Hope i can sleep through itI already feel a big hole in my heart from leaving my beloved Brazil. it has been such a wonderful time. I bought like 7 cds from Brazil and burned 6. I will miss the music a lot. So the next 36 hours will be in a bus
Tale care everybody

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Foz de Iguazu

dear family and friends
i am now in the foz de iguazu, brasilian side. The next two days i will spend visiting the waterfall. Hope all is good

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


hae hae
eg er ekki med gemsa herna en ef eg fae takifaeri ta sendi eg sms


tu getur hringt tangad til klukkan half tiu i kvold cirka

Monday, October 24, 2005

Going to Foz de iguazu

My dear friends
i have had a gret time here in Curitibi with Josely, Josy´s sister, and her children Arthur, Amanda and Lucas. This is a very beautiful city, clean, open and full of beautiful parks that we have visited. i am also quite proud to say that i manage fine in portugese, that is to say i can have simple conversasions, though i wish i could talk more with Josely.

Tomorrow i will leave for the Iguazu falls, then I am off to Argentina.

Fjolskyldan min, tad er pakki a leidinni med gjofum handa agusti og halla og ymsum minjagripum.

Knus Gudny

Saturday, October 22, 2005


hola amigos
i miss Maya a lot and now also Leo but this is traveling life. Godbyes all the time.

i am now in Curitibi, staying with Joselyn, Josy´s sister. This is a beautiful city and Joselyn is a great person.

Fjolskyldan min, tid getid hringt hingad naestu daga siminn er 0055-41-32432610. hugsanlega tarf ad sleppa fyrstu 3 tegar tid hringid. Hringid endilega.

Knus allir

Friday, October 21, 2005

Going to Curitibi og vil heyra fra Siggu, hallgerdi og huldu, gigju og unni

hello my friends

takk fyrir tid sem hafid skrifad mer, tad var frabaert ad heyra fra ykkur. sakna samt nokkurra vinkvenna, veit tid erud busy en skrifid mer vid taekifaeri.

I have had a few relaxing days in Sao Paulo with my dear friend leo. Tomorrow i will go to Curitibi and there i will stay with Jocelyn, Josys sister and her family.

Take care Stella

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Sao Paulo 2

Hello everybody
I am back in Sao Paulo to visit Leo again. The weather is horrible, raining and only 20 degrees so i am freezin.
It is great to meet her again she is amazing.

Takk tid sem hafid skrifad mer,
Eva tad er best ad senda a gudnystella@yahoo.com. Hugsadi mikid til tin i dag, get ekki truad tvi ad eg missi af allri olettunni.
Gyda, lots of upnpublished details sem verda gefin upp yfir raudvinsflosku vid heimkomu
Torgerdur, eg trui tvi vel ad tu sert lot vid lesturinn , barattukvedjur.

Hildur, eg verd bara 6 daga i everopu adur en eg kem heim, og eg var buin ad lofa ad fara til hollands svo eg kemst ekki til Oslo. Vaeri ykt til i tad samt, naesta ferd tegar eg tarf helgarferd til ad gleyma traelavinnunni heima

Agust og Halli hef hugsad mikid til ykkar lika, halli fekkstu sms sem eg sendi?

Gudny Stella

Monday, October 17, 2005

i want to tell you more about my lovely weekend in Vilo do Atlantico.

Juliana, which is a friend of alemao which is a friend of oura friends Thiago and Alixandre from Brazilia invited us to celebrate her birthday with her and her friends in her beach house-= 30 min from Salvador. So on friday we were around 10 people and we ate japanese food and danced and talked and all of her friends are really nice. Juliana herself is also a lovely person. Her house is fantastic and it has a swimming pool and barbeque and a lot of rooms 4 her guests. Sabrina was with us too, our brazilian friend from brazilia. In the morning we ate breakfast and then there was a pool party with a lot of people. there was churasco- a brazilian barbeque and feijoda which is a traditional brasilian food. We drank a lot of alcohol and in the evening there was a nice party in her house. I danced forro 4 the second time and im getting better. Like i said before there isnt a lot of space between me and my partner. Afterwards we went to a costume party. i was super girl again and the party was really wild. It was less impressive than the party in Aracaju but it was still a lot of fun! yesterday we ate breakfast together and in the evening we ate dinner and then we cameback to salvador...

Now i am very sad, i am leaving my dear friend maya, which is now like my sister after traveling for 2 and a half month. I am also leaving rotem. So this is a difficult day.

Tomorrow i will fly to Sao Paulo to see Leo again, that will be great
Kisses everybody

Sunday, October 16, 2005

til hamingju med afmaelid lilja

Elsku Lilja til hamingju med daginn. eg komst ekki i tolvu i gaer. Eg mun koma til koben tann 17 november eda tann 18 og hlakka til ad hitta ykkur. Knus

Anyway i dont have much time to write now but i had an amazing weekend. I stayed in my friends beach house, about 30 min from salvador, with maya rotem and julianas friends. the whole saturday we had a gorgeous barbeque and swiming pool party and in the night it was super girl return, another costume party, and i had great fun.


Friday, October 14, 2005

Eva, Kolla, Sigrun, loa, Matta, Solrun, Runa, Hulda, Hallgerdur Sigga Gigja Unnur Brynja please skrifid mer

Gaman ad heyra fra ter Jana, bestu kvedjur

The last couple of days i have spent relaxing all day on the beach in praia de forte. This was just what i needed. The evenings we have just gone early to bed and been good girls. We didnt understand why we gained some weight since we dont eat a lot but then we figured out that the healthy fruit drink we drink every evening, acai, actually contains 1500 kalories per drink! HELLO i didnt know a drink could include that many calories, explains a lot ehem.

This weekend we are going to Lauras de Freites for our friends birthday party. There will be a big party in her beach house and then another costume party.

Take care everybody

Knus fjolskyldan min

og vinkonur minar eg hef ekki heyrt fra morgum ykkar lengi, please skrifid mer

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

hallo katrin (sem eg hitti i Rio)

tad var rosalega cool ad hitta einhvern fra Islandi, eg saknadi tess ad tala tungumalid.
Audvitad tyndi eg emailinu tinu, svo ef tu getur sendu mer email, gudnystella@yahoo.com.
Verd manud i vidbot herna uti, flyg svo til evropu

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Praia de Forte

hello hello
i am going to Praia de forte for couple of days. I dont know if they have internet so i might not write fro couple of days.

Monday, October 10, 2005

hallo vinir minir- mig langar i frettir

hallo hallo
nu hef eg ekki heyrt lengi fra morgum ykkar svo pleace skrifid mer.

Sandra profin eru alltaf erfid en eg er viss um ad tu stendur tig, ekki gleyma samt ad skemmta ter. Knus

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Costume party and hospitality

Hello my darlings
Last week in Morro de Sao Paulo was great. On monday me and Maya planned to celebrate the jewish new year together. We were planing to eat nice food and she was going to make a toast with me, her goja friend (goja is a person who isnt jewish) . But then it turned out the island was full of israelis, they planned to meet there, so in the end we celebrated with like 70 israelis. It was quite funny to see actually, and they played hebrew music all evening. Mayas friend Rotem has joined us so now we travel 3 together. The next days we spent on the beach of course and Morro is a beautiful beautiful place. The evenings were usaually quiet, except wednesday when we went to see a show with local drum music, it was very cool.
Hulda, mission acomplished, tu veist hvad eg a vid.
On friday we came back to Salvador and spent one night here. For the weekend we planned to go with our salvador friend Tarso to Aracaju, a city in the north, for a costume party. They are very popular in Brazil. He couldnt take us in his car so on saturday we were picked up by a friend of a friend of a friend of his brother! he drove us to Aracaju, and there he took us to a birthday dinner at his friends place. Brasilians are so amazing, they welcomed us, that is 3 gringas who are friends of the brother of a friend of a friend of a friend, and helped us with costumes and to buy tickets. I love brazilians, they are the friendliest people in the world. So we had a cool dinner and then Tarso picked us up and we got dressed for the party. I was supergirl of course! then we went to one of the biggest party i have seen, with thousands of people. And aparently the comstuem competition was to wear as little as possible but still look like you have a costume. one guy costmue was to be naked!
Today i am back in salvador, i plan to leave for a beatiful beach for couple of days either itacare or praia de forte tomorrow. then we will return to salvador for a big 2 days birthday party in a beach house close to salvador. A friend of mine Juliana, a girl from here, invited us.
Big kiss everybody

Agust knus, sakna tin lika. tu varst ekki heima tegar eg hringdi i gaer en eg hringi a afmaelisdaginn tinn.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Morro de Sao Paulo

Hallo elsku fjolskyldan min
hef hugsad mikid til ykkar sidustu daga, sakna ykkar allra. Knus;
Agust og mamma hvert er simanumerid heima hja ykkur?

Sigga Hulda og Hallgerdur, hef ekkert heyrt i ykkur lengi, hvernig gengur.

I am now in morro de sao Paulo, it is a small island close to Salvador. We are enjoying our time here, mainly resting a lot and sunbathing. I burned my ass yesterday, very nice. Now it suits my red bikini.

We will stay here until friday i think. Another israeli girl has joined us, Rotem, he is really nice. I will stay here in north brasil for about 9 days more before flying south to visit josys sister in curitbi and leo in sao paulo; then final destination in brasil, foz de iguazu. After that it is argentina

take care everybody

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Brasilian way.

In my journey through Brazil i have met and made friends with many Brasilians, they are just amazing people. For exemple Leo in Sao Paulo hosted us, spent all her time with us and showed us the city. All her friends took us with open arms. She really made us feel welcome. Then after Rio we flew to Brasilia where we were hosted by Mayas friend Tiago , who by the way had never met me before, and he Alexandro, Juliana and Syu, and all there other friend also spent all the time with us, showed us around, thought us forro, and were so welcoming. When we went to Salvador a friend of them Alemao phoned his friend in Salvador, Juliana and she took us out. These people are just the friendliest people I have met in my life. They really know how to make you feel welcome.
Also when we are lost or having some problems someone will walk up to us, without us asking, and check if we need help. For exemple the other day we took a bus and didnt know where to get off so we asked one guy to tell us. When we came to a busstop 5 different people that we hadnt asked for help told us: you have to get off here.
People here are also generally in shape and good looking. They are also happy, laugh all the time, dance and takecare of their friends.

Then there is the flirting, when you go out here it is very normal to kiss somebody in the club, and some people kiss more then one in the evening. The brasilian men in general act very fast, they invite you to dance (and here the man can really dance, normally great hip movements) sometimes they talk a little, and usually after 2-3 minutes they try to kiss you. If you dont kiss them they usually leave and after a little while you see them dancing or kissing another girl. This has happened a couple of times to me and Maya. One time a guy had been flirting with me, and i refused to kiss him after exactly 4 sentences of talking, then he left and kissed another girl in front of me, about 9 meters from me, then came back to me 5 minutes later to flirt with me again, i dont think so buddy. When i talked about it with some male friends here they say, ah its the brasilian way, if a guy does that just kiss somebody else, or even better kiss his friend. Hum, very interesting. Aparently in the carnival it is normal to kiss 20-30 people in one evening. It goes like this: somebody loooks at you,if you look back you want to kiss him so he kisses you. So if you dont want a kiss you have to walk with men all the time or dont look at anybody.

Tomorrow me and Maya leave for Morro De Sao Paulo, an island close to Salvador.

Take care everybody