Til hamingju med litlu prinsessuna Eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eg trui tvi ekki ad eg missi af tremur fyrstu vikunum hennar.
Eg mun hringja eftir nokkra daga.
Knus og kossar og vid sjaumst eftir 3 vikur. Gudny
My dear friends i have had a gret time here in Curitibi with Josely, Josy´s sister, and her children Arthur, Amanda and Lucas. This is a very beautiful city, clean, open and full of beautiful parks that we have visited. i am also quite proud to say that i manage fine in portugese, that is to say i can have simple conversasions, though i wish i could talk more with Josely. Tomorrow i will leave for the Iguazu falls, then I am off to Argentina. Fjolskyldan min, tad er pakki a leidinni med gjofum handa agusti og halla og ymsum minjagripum. Knus Gudny |
hola amigos i miss Maya a lot and now also Leo but this is traveling life. Godbyes all the time. i am now in Curitibi, staying with Joselyn, Josy´s sister. This is a beautiful city and Joselyn is a great person. Fjolskyldan min, tid getid hringt hingad naestu daga siminn er 0055-41-32432610. hugsanlega tarf ad sleppa fyrstu 3 tegar tid hringid. Hringid endilega. Knus allir |
In my journey through Brazil i have met and made friends with many Brasilians, they are just amazing people. For exemple Leo in Sao Paulo hosted us, spent all her time with us and showed us the city. All her friends took us with open arms. She really made us feel welcome. Then after Rio we flew to Brasilia where we were hosted by Mayas friend Tiago , who by the way had never met me before, and he Alexandro, Juliana and Syu, and all there other friend also spent all the time with us, showed us around, thought us forro, and were so welcoming. When we went to Salvador a friend of them Alemao phoned his friend in Salvador, Juliana and she took us out. These people are just the friendliest people I have met in my life. They really know how to make you feel welcome. Also when we are lost or having some problems someone will walk up to us, without us asking, and check if we need help. For exemple the other day we took a bus and didnt know where to get off so we asked one guy to tell us. When we came to a busstop 5 different people that we hadnt asked for help told us: you have to get off here. People here are also generally in shape and good looking. They are also happy, laugh all the time, dance and takecare of their friends. Then there is the flirting, when you go out here it is very normal to kiss somebody in the club, and some people kiss more then one in the evening. The brasilian men in general act very fast, they invite you to dance (and here the man can really dance, normally great hip movements) sometimes they talk a little, and usually after 2-3 minutes they try to kiss you. If you dont kiss them they usually leave and after a little while you see them dancing or kissing another girl. This has happened a couple of times to me and Maya. One time a guy had been flirting with me, and i refused to kiss him after exactly 4 sentences of talking, then he left and kissed another girl in front of me, about 9 meters from me, then came back to me 5 minutes later to flirt with me again, i dont think so buddy. When i talked about it with some male friends here they say, ah its the brasilian way, if a guy does that just kiss somebody else, or even better kiss his friend. Hum, very interesting. Aparently in the carnival it is normal to kiss 20-30 people in one evening. It goes like this: somebody loooks at you,if you look back you want to kiss him so he kisses you. So if you dont want a kiss you have to walk with men all the time or dont look at anybody. Tomorrow me and Maya leave for Morro De Sao Paulo, an island close to Salvador. Take care everybody Stella |