
Monday, March 27, 2006

Piparjónkurnar og ný íbúð

Nú erum ég og Anna Karen búnar að stofna piparjónku félag.
Kolla er heiðursmeðlimur sökum andlegs viðhorfs þrátt fyrir kærasta eign.
kíkið á www.piparstelpur.blogspot.com

Ef þið viljið vera með segið það þá í commentum.

Ég er búin að finna mér íbúð á kleppsveginum með Unni og systur hennar Huldu. Þar verður piparjónku líf í hávegum hart með partýum, spilakvöldum, rauðvínsþambi og almennu hösli. Flyt inn 1 maí.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

charmers and necessary things for 2 bachelorettes planing to live together

I had an easy day at work, i had a lot of nice charming patients that had gotten better from treatment, it was very rewarding.
I like this health center work, even if i get quite tired.
And i love seeing people at all ages. Today one of my pateint was excetionally charming, he is 8 and we had a long discussion about discusting drinks, since i made him drink fibers for one week to improve his digestion. Aparently the drink is so bad that it equals the "ógeðisdrykkur" that is famous in icelandic television.
2 days ago an equally charming patient, 5 months old came. He laughed for 10 minutes while i examined him.
The list is endless of charming people that i meet inbetween that make up for all the bullshit this work sometimes includes.

I am also looking for an aparment to rent with my friend Unnur. I see our co-renting as an endless episode of Sex and the city, her being Miranda slash Carrie and me being Carrie slash Samantha. Depending on the day which caracter is in charge.
The apartment has to include couple of things
1) a bar with hight chairs where we can stand in our long heals and cocktail dresses looking all the time gorgeous
2) Lots of space in the living room to entertain guests in endless parties
3) a hole in the door so we can not open the door to ugly blind dates
4) a hallway where we make our dates wait for apropriate amount of time, a diva always has to make the guy wait
5) A big bed for my with a headpost
6) A park or sólbekkur to lie on in the summer in our bikinis with the Capirina glass
I sincerely hope all this will come true

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A favela

A unorganised poor neighbourhood in Río Posted by Picasa

A brasilian lady in Bahía

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Me and Maya in Rio

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For some people life is harder

In the mines of Potosí, the men start working at 12 and they breath in asbest for years until they get silicosis. Mean age when they die is 45-50 years Posted by Picasa

Little me and Maya in The Salar de Uyuni

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The Amasones

I liked the Amasone and so did Mayush Posted by Picasa
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The Macchu Pichu

Powerful Posted by Picasa

The Iguazu Falls

True beauty Posted by Picasa

A peruvian girl

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From my journey

Me, Efrain and peruvian children Posted by Picasa

Since I am egositic anyway......

I put in this photo of me on my graduation day. Elma did a damm good job with the make up Posted by Picasa

Eva giftir sig og Rebekka skírð

I just learned how to publish photos and decided to start with this one of my friend Eva, her husband and daughter Posted by Picasa


I love dancing these days, i love the bellydancing classes and the tango classes. Yesterday i went to an argentinian Milonga (tango evening) with Hrafnhildur, Gummi, Elín and christoffer.
We danced for some hours and it was marvelous.
Then i went to Kaffi Kultur and danced some salsa, i am actually not as good at it as i thought........
But it was i nice weekend.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


4 jobs i have done in my life:
- i sorted letters in the main post office with my grandmother for 3 summers
-I was an au pair in france, it included babysitting a dog and 2 chickens, the chicken got out once and i chased it around the garden for an hour
-A nurce assistant, it was in Norway and i pretended to speak norvegian in the interwiew
- a doctor
4 films i can watch again and again:
-Scent of a woman: i love Al Pacino
-Big fish: i like memories to be told a bit exagerated
-Pride and Predjudice: Mr Darcy mmmm
-Dirty Dancing: needs no explanations
4 places i have lived in:
-Oslo in Norway: with Hildur and Kolla, Koll said she would never EVER live with me again
-Monnetier in France, a small village where they once dug up a hole in the road so we couldnt drive from the house in a week
-Lund in Sweden: i lived with 40 people from25 countries: lots of parties
-Reykavik 101
4 TV shows that i like:
-Rome: drama and lots of sex
-Nip Tuck: more drama and more sex
-Desparate houswife
- Grays anatomy (i am a medical nerd)
4 places i have traveled to:
- Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia
4 websites that i visit every day
4 places I would rather be in now:
-Macchu Pichu: the most powerful place on earth
-The Andes mountains
-Sao Paulo;the most beautiful men on earth
4 things i look forward to:
-dancing tango next weekend (pleace pleace my quadriceps be healed)
-eating dinner with Hrafnhildur Elin and Gummi next week
-visiting Buenos Aires again
-getting out of town for a weekend
4 types of food that i love:
- chocolate
4 people that i dare to answere the same questions:
-Anna Hugadóttir
-Elín Rut
-Elín Ingibjörg

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The footballplayer

Last monday i managed to strain on of my quadriceps muscle. It happened during bellydance practise and of course once i started to hurt I continued practising.
The result today is that i cant walk, let alone dance.
I have only seen this sort of injuries on footballplaysers when they get kicked in the leg while runnig.

I must be a bloody genious

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Today i went my grandfather´s coffin ceremony.
I set beside my grandmother, held her hand and watched her through the ceremony. It was obvious how much she and my grandfather loved each other. I hope that i can be married for 50 years and still love my husband like my grandmother loves hers. This is one of the most beautiful things in the world, a love that survives so much.

Sorry for being sentimental but i have 2 exscuses:
1) i am an emotional woman
2) today I said goodbye to my beloved grandfather

And while i am on the subject of love: last saturday a dear friend of mine, Eva got married. It was a big surprise. I went to her daughters babtising and while we were all waiting for the baby the wedding march started. In came Eva, her husband and her baby. I am really happy for her, she is a lovely person and she is so happy to be a mother and now a wife. She and her husband looked so cute together and so in love. My best to this little family. Eva, þú átt alla þessa hamingju svo skilið!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

maður hefur nú gert fleira en maður heldur

Í lífinu hef ég
(x ) drukkið áfengi (ehh hvurslags spurning er nú það?)
( ) klesst bíl vinar/vinkonu
( ) stolið bíl (foreldranna)
(x) verið ástfangin
(x ) verið sagt upp af kærasta/kærustu
(x) faðmað einhvern ókunnugan
( ) verið rekin/n
( ) lent í slagsmálum
(x) læðst út meðan þú bjóst ennþá heima hjá foreldrunum
(x) haft tilfinningar til einhvers sem endurgalt þær ekki (oooh yeah!)
( ) verið handtekin/n
( ) farið á blint stefnumót
(x) logið að vini/vinkonu (ekki alvarlega samt.. meira svona EKKI að segja hvað mér finnst)
(x ) skrópað í skólanum (jebb en ekki fyrr en eftri tvítugt)
(x) horft á einhvern deyja
( ) farið til Canada
( ) farið til Mexico(x) ferðast í flugvél
( ) kveikt í þér viljandi
(x) borðað sushi
(x ) farið á sjóskíði
(x) farið á skíði (og dottið)
( ) hitt einhvern sem þú kynntist á internetinu
(x) farið á tónleika (döh)
(x) tekið verkjalyf
(x) elskar einhvern eða saknar einhvers akkurat núna
(x) legið á bakinu úti og horft á skýin
(x) búið til snjóengil
(x) haldið kaffiboð
(x) flogið flugdreka
(x) byggt sandkastala
(x) hoppað í pollum
(x) farið í "tískuleik" (dress up)
(x) rennt þér á sleða
(x) grátið svo mikið að þér finnst þú aldrei ætla að hætta
(x) svindlað í leik (samt bara þegar ég var lítil)
(x) verið einmana
(x ) sofnað í vinnunni/skólanum ( lífefnafræði á 2 ári, fæ enn martraðir)
(x) notað falsað skilríki (nei, notaði skílríki stelpu sem var 6 árum eldri
(x) fundið jarðskjálfta (og sofið þrátt fyrir það)
(x ) sofið undir berum himni
(x) verið kitluð/kitlaður
(x) verið rænd/rændur (jebb í british museum)
(x) verið misskilin/n
(x ) klappað hreindýri/geit/kengúru ( reyndar var það lamadýr)
(x) farið yfir á rauðu ljósi/virt stöðvunaskyldu að vettugi
( ) verið rekin/n eða vísað úr skóla
( ) lent í bílslysi
( ) verið með spangir/góm
(x) liðið eins og þú passaðir ekki inn í/þriðja hjól undir vagni
(x) borðað líter af ís á einu kvöldi (og líter af súkkulaði)
(x) fengið deja vu
(x) dansað í tunglskininu
(x) fundist þú líta vel út
( x) verið vitni að glæp
(x) efast um að hjartað segði þér rétt til
( ) verið gagntekin/n af post-it miðum (ha?)
(x) leikið þér berfætt/ur í drullunni
(x) verið týnd/ur (já skelfileg upplifun í háfjöllum andesfjallanna í 2 skipti!)( ) fundist þú vera að deyja
(x) grátið þig í svefn
(x) farið í löggu og bófa leik
(x) litað nýlega með vaxlitum
( ) sungið í karaókí (og mun aldrei gera það)
(x) borgað fyrir máltíð eingöngu með smápeningum
(x) gert eitthvað sem þú lofaðir sjálfri/sjálfum þér að gera ekki (játs)
(x) hringt símahrekk
(x) hlegið þannig að gosið frussaðist út um nefið á þér(x) stungið út tungunni til að ná snjókorni(x) dansað í rigningunni
(x ) skrifað bréf til jólasveinsins
( ) verið kysst/ur undir mistilteini (af hverju ekki?)
( ) horft á sólarupprásina með einhverjum sem þér þykir vænt um
(x) blásið sápukúlur
(x ) kveikt bál á ströndinni
(x) komið óboðin/n í partý..
( ) verið beðin/n um að yfirgefa partýið sem þú komst óboðin/n í
(x) farið á rúlluskauta/línuskauta
(x) hefur einhver óska þinna ræst
( ) farið í fallhlífastökk
(x ) hefur einhver haldið óvænt boð fyrir þig