
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Still some more spanish

Not much happening at them moment, i am just fylling up my brain with spanish vocabulary and grammar. It is though though.

Mamma tu matt alveg saekja einkunnabokina, hun er i laeknagardi. eg er samt ekki med agetiseinkunn.

Takk allir fyrir kvedjurnar.
ciao Gudny

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


These days are calm, I take spanish lessons in the morning, then eat a lot and study.
The afternoon are spent with friends, very relaxed life.
Maybe a camping trip in the weeend with the Irish guys

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Graduation day

Yesterday was my graduation day.

It was slightly untraditional. I moved in with my new family, which i will stay with while in spanish school. They are wonderful, so warm and welcoming.
I bought an expensive red wine and drank it with the dinner with Luz Dina ( my new "mom") , 2 girls from holland that are staying with the family and one english girl. I telephoned my classmates whom were having a party in Iceland. it was nice to talk to them.

Then i went out and met my friends from Arequipa, i got some presents, a necklase from Sheela an Flatimir, a ankle bracelet and a poster and cd with photos from Peter and Jeff (irish). then we went dancing all night long. I had a lot of fun.

Til hamingju med utskriftina kaeru bekkjarfelagar
knus gudny

Saturday, June 25, 2005


I dag er eg laeknir.

Eg er i alvorunni ordin laeknir. Hugsunin er ad taka ser bolfestu i huga minum.

Skritin tilfinning. Tegar eg skrifa tetta eru bekkjarfelagar minir nybunir ad taka vid vidurkenningunni og tau foru med hippocratesareidinn i gaer. Eg mun vid adeins minna hadtidlega athofn taka vid vidurkenningu og fara med eidinn a skrifstofu laeknadeildar i november. He he.

Tad er leidinlegt ad missa af tessu, tetta er i fyrsta skiptid sem heimtra laedist ad mer. En i stadinn fae eg Andesfjollin, Inkana, spaensku, bakpokaferdalagsandrumsloftid, solina og salsad. Eg hugga mig vid tad.

I dag er 25 stiga hiti (verdur 5 stig tegar solin fer), eg er ad fara til nyju fjolskuldunnar minnar. Tau eiga ad vera aedi. Eg aetla ad eyda pening i sjalfa mig i dag, kaupa randyrt raudvin, farda og einhvad saett i harid. Sidan aetla eg ad vera rosa fin ( t.e. eins fin og bakpokaferdalagsfot bjoda upp a)
Sidan mun eg borda mat med fjolskyldunni, drekka fint vin, og svo verdur utskriftarveisla.
I hana munu maeta vinir tessarar viku, Baz (Astralia), Peter og Jeff(Irland) , Sheila og Flatimir (Irland og Holland) og svo liklega Robin (usa) og Shauna ( kanada) ef Efrain (Peru, kaerasti Emmu) er kominn til baka ta kemur hann kanski lika. Tad verdur dansad fram a nott a ymsum stodum Inkaborgarinnar.

Laeknir, fra og med i dag.


PS til hamingju med Kvenno Sandra

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Back to Cusco

Hej Kristof, where are you and your girlfriend traveling to in september? I will be in Argentina by then

Hi everybody
I am back in my favorite city, Cusco, staying with a family that is very nice.
There is a fesival here, the streets are crowded with people and it is crazy.
Hugs and kisses

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Close to death at 5825 meters above sea level on the top of Mountain Misty

A little exageration.....
BUT cllimbing that mountain was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life, and that includes klasus, the 10 km run in Reykjavikurmaraton and the last month in medical school.
When we booked that tour se had no idea what we were getting ourself into.

The group we had was made of 5 people, the 2 irish guys i trecked with in Colca canyon Jeff and Peter, a canadian girl Natasha, and a canadian guy named Micael. The guide was fantastic, around 50 years old but carried like 30 kilos and could run up the mountain.

Arequipa is at 3000 meters hight. We were driven close to the roots of the mountain and started ascending at 3300 meters. Only 2525 meters to go, which sounds relatively easy. Was not the case.

The first day we walked for 6 hours to base camp at 4600meters height. And carried around 12 kilos each. During this walk I started to feel the altitude and got a headache and became nausious. So i started to take Diamox ( which is an anti altitude drug and a diuretica). This walk was though but I felt quite okei at the end of it. I thought the altitude wouldnt get to me because i have been at 3500 meters height in Cusco for 2 weeks and it was fine.

We got good food and cocoa tea ( yes cocoa is what they make cocain out of, but cocain is made out of the stem and the tea from the leafs, the tea is around 1/1000000 of the strength of cocain) The indians use the cocoa tea for the altitude and it really helps, at least for 1 hour or so.
Then we went to sleep. In the night I couldnt sleep and i had to go to the bathroom, on the way i felt dizzy, almost fainted and almost threw up, again the altitude. I then managed to sleep.
At 2 o clock in the night the guide woke us up and we started to climb the final 1225 meters.

And oh my good that was hard. One of the irish guys got really sick, hallucinated, was dizzy all the time and had tourble breathing. So I gave him diamox as well.
Myself, well I was okei in the beginning, thankful for years of swimming, non smoking status and generally okei shape but as we got higher and higher, the air got so thin, I actually had to breath 3 times for each steps. And we could only take baby steps at a very slow pace because everybody was grasping for breath. And the altitude sickness made me nauseous, dizzy and generally tired. the decline of the mountain was 45-70 degrees all the time. The last 500 meters were pure hell, the only thing I could do not to sit done and give up was praying to god to help me get up that mountain. And each step took all my willpower. This was unbelivably hard. And as we got higher it was more and more freezing, at 5 oclock the temperature was minus 10 degrees ( nuna vitid tid sem gagryndud pokkun mina a heitum fotum af hverju ) And close to the top my toes got numb and completly frozen and the guide had to rub life into them for ten minutes. Damm al paca wool, no good, ( al paca is a type of lama) give me icelandic sheep wool.

The last 200 meters i hardly know how i managed, it was so hard. No air, frozen toes and so tired. plus dizzy and nauseous.

But i did get up that mountain, we all did. I was even the 2 person on top. And the view on the mountain was the most spetacular thing i have seen, everywhere around it sere volcanos, canyons, waters and cites. And the mountain itself cast a pyramid shadow on Arequipa when the sun came up. Unbelievably beautiful. On the top we slept for 20 minutes from exhaustion. And i am so damm proud of myself! I really did it. 5825 meters up in the air, higher then i have ever been. It was really worth it.

So , tomorrow i will leave for Cusco, i will fly since the bus situation now is unstable, strikes and stuff. There i will stay for a month, school and hiking.

Ciao Stella

Hae Hafdis, takk fyrir ad skrifa. Tad er alltaf rett ad fordast svona verkfalls svaedi, madur vill sko ekki festast.

Monday, June 20, 2005

new plans - mountain Misty

Well plans have just changed
We cant go to Puno because the bus companies are striking. There will be no way to get out of Puno again. So instead I am climbing the Volcano Misty with two irish guys, Peter and Jeff. Barry cant come since he has injured his knee. Then we fly to Cusco on the 23 since bus trips are insecure in the area now because of possible national strike of the bus companies.

To Puno and Lake Titticaca

Hej hej

Just a short message today.
Tonight i will leave for Puno and lake Titticaca. I will arrive tomorrow morning and stay there 2 nights. I dont know how easy it is to go on the internet there. So maybe there will be no messages for couple of days.
I will arrive in Cusco the 23 for the festival of the sun.
Gudny Stella

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Til hamingju Ágústa fraenka. The Colca Canyon

Hae elsku Ágústa, innilega til hamingju med litla prinsinn. Verst ad tad eru 5 manudir tar til eg fae ad sja hann. Sendu mer endilega myndir a gudnystella@yahoo.com

English later on in this post darlings.

Solrun, takk fyrir ad vera dugleg ad skrifa, tu bara klappar fyrir mer lika tann 25, aumingja eg ad missa af 4 klst setu i laugardagsholl.

Sigga, eg var einmitt ad hugsa til tin, gott ad ferdin tin var skemmtileg, knus og njottu utskriftarinnar fyrir mig lika,

Mamma og Benni, eg saeki profskirteinid tegar eg kem heim, ekkert mal. Gott ad tid erud komin heim. Segid ommu og afa ad postkort se a leidinni. Maturinn hefur hingad til farid fint i mig

Agust, til hamingju med profin. hafdu tad nu gott to heima se komid, tad er alltaf fullt af skemmtilegum hlutum og folki heima

Pabbi, eg er ad vinna i tessu med euocardid, tad er bara varakort, visa er malid. Knusadu Petu og alla hina fra mer.

Halli, komin ferdaplon fyrir sumarfriid?

Emma, hapas du hade trevlig resa hem. Jag saknar dig. Jag hade det sa jattekul med dig och Efrain. Kramisar.

Anyway my friends. I have just finished a 3 days walk in the Colca Canyon and it was amazing, thoug getting up at 2.00 am this morning was difficult. But then I had a wonderful wal in the dark wiht my headlight (takk stelpur tad er ad koma ser afskaplega vel), with the stars above and the milkiway. i was 60 degrees vertical though so the walk was no picknic.
The canyon was beautiful, with some pre-inca ruins, beautiful nature and hot spirngs in the middle where we hanged ou one afternoon.
Pre inca times, 2 indian tribes used to live in the canyon, the Carbanacones and the Civayes. Both of them did a lot of agruculure, they practised cranial deformation, the carbanacones wanted long faces so they tied lont sticks to the sides of the head. The civayes did it on the top and bottom ( not so beautiful i must say) When the Incas came, they threatened to cut the water from the indians if they didnt obey them, and when they didnt the incas retunneled the water from the mountains so the tribes thought they had godlike powers and surrenered. So the Incas ruled them for less then 100 of years. When the Spanish came they didnt mess with the water so the tribes thought they were friendley and fought with the spaniards against the Incas. Then they got to suffer under the control of the spaniards whom were very cruel landlords.
Today the people of he canyon are mostly agricultural and lama breeders. They live in couple of villages, each with 50 people, and of course no electricity. The ones that breed lamas have no idea of the prices, so people from the cities exploit them and pay them like 10 times less. When i asked why nobody told them the answer was they dont care about money, they are happy wiht bread and milk instead. Many of the agriculture platforms in the canyon are not used. They government has tried to help the people to some extend. One president 20 years ago took a huge loan and gave to the people to improve the agriculture but they didnt invest in it but spent the money on cars and alcohol. alcoholism is a huge problem among the natives, more then half of the people in the canyon are alcoholics, scary. Then another president bought many agriculture mascines from new zealand, and gave to the people. They sold all the mascines to buy alchol and cars, according to the guide. So the present government doesnt want to help them either. The guide said the people think differently, they dont think past the next couple of days so they dont see the importance in investing.
Anyway my traveling group was lovely, to start with just me Barry and an american girl named Marcia who is an arceologist and i am going to visit her later in Bolivia.
Then we met up with the other groups when we camped and they were so funny. There were even couple of cute guys to flirt with. So the group was irish, australian, german, american, canadian , from the Netherland and then me. Very cool people, specially the 50 year old irish/netherlandish couple, who were amazing.
We are all meeting up tonight for dinner and a drink. We are gonna eat the traditional peruvian plate which is a guinney pic (naggris), i have been dreading to eat it the whole time but now i will. Hopefullly i will be okei, they serve it whole, with head and tail. Ouch.
So I hope you are all well.
Tomorrow i am off to Puno and lake Titticaca with Barry. 4000meters above sea level, it will be freezing. There i will stay 2 nights visiting a local family on one of the floating ilands. Apparantly mostly women are born there, it is a bit communistic society and the men go around knitting all the time. I am excited. The 23 I will return to Cusco.
A big hug to everygody.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

in aeroquipa

hello everybody

i am in the white city, aeroquipa. it is a beautiful city. i just met barry and we have been walking around town, tomorrow we go on a 2 days hike to the colcan canyon.
i just forced him to buy some warm hat and gloves since it is freezing here in the night.

Hildur og Anna Karen, nu er eg loksins buin med 10 sida tettskrifad bref um kubu og inkana. sendi tad til tin anna, tad tekur orugglega 3 vikur ad koma, ef tu ert ekki komin til islands hildur ta getur anna sent tad afram til tin.
knus til ykkar beggja

Anna h, syng hastofum allan daginn, he he, neibb engir jardskjalftar her og allt i rolegheitunum

Sigrun gaman ad heyra fra ter snullan min, lattu mig vita hvernig fer med skolann

hulda og hallgerdur , verid duglegar ad hlaupa, sjaum hver af okkur verdur i besta forminu eftir 5 manudi

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


yes it is time to leave Cusco for a week.
At 7.pm i will take the bus to Aeroquipa, 11 hours bus ride. There i will meet Barry from Australia, Dans brother. We are probably gonna do some trecking, then go to Puno and lake Titticaca and then back to Cusco for the festival of the sun, Indi Rami.
See you all guys

Hafid tad gott heima mamma Benni og Agust.
Knus Pabbi, Peta og Sandra, Elín Lilja og Kiddi
knus Halli

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Lifid i Andesfjollunum

I dag for eg i ovaent ferdalag med Emmu og Efrain. Tad var rosaleg upplifun.

Eg for med teim ad heimsaekja systur hans sem byr i 1000 manna torpi i Andesfjollunum. Folkid i andesfjollunum talar indjanamal sem eg held ad kallist Ketchua. Sumir tala einhverja spaensku. Eg hafdi heyrt af gifurlegti fataekt en tad var annad ad sja tad med berum augum

Vid komum tarna um 11 leytid eftir ad keyra i leigubil a hlykkjottum omalbikudum fjallavegum sem nota bene voru lagdir fyrir 6 arum, tar adur voru engir vegir. Delia systir Efrains flutti fra Cusco 16 ara og hof buskap tarna. Nu eru bornin uppkomin en hun og madurinn hennar reka baedi byli og verlsun. Verslunin er nytilkomin, tad er simi i henni, fyrsti siminn i torpinu og sa eini.

Tau sja ekki oft hvitt folk ( ad eg tali nu ekki um albinoa fra Skandinaviu) svo allir voru uppnumdir af ad sja okkur, tetta er samt kurteist folk svo tau hopudust ekki ad okkur. sum bornin foldu sig meira ad segja vegna feimni.

Husin eru naer oll ur steinum sem tau gera ur mold, tad er bara hluti husanna med rafmagn og klosettin eru hola i jordinni. Tau tala morg spaensku tar sem nunnuregla tok ad ser fyrir nokkrum arum ad hafa skola og bjoda lika upp a okeypis mat fyrir bornin. Vid heimsottum skolann og gafum krokkunum braud og avexti.

Allt folkid var otrulega vinalegt, sidan a Inka timunum er hefd ad sja um ferdalanga, Inkarnir voru svoldi kommunista samfelag, allir unnu saman ad tvi sem Kongurinn (The Inca) skipadi, oll torpin unnu saman svo tegar einhver okunnugur kom ta baudstu honum upp a tad sem tu attir. Svo ad tegar vid satum i gardinum hja einni gamalli konu, dottur hennar og tveimur bornum budu taer okkur upp a heitar kartoflur. sem er eini maturinn sem taer attu. og tad er okurteisi ad neita. Svo vid gafum teim i stadinn Cocoa lauf sem indjanarnir elska ad fa en teir fataekustu fa sjaldan. Ein konan sem for med okkur seinasta spolin i leigubilnum ( munid her eru alltaf 10 manns i hverjum leigubil) var med alls konar baunir i poka sem var orugglega hadegismaturinn hennar og hun baud okkur lika. Tad la vid ad madur faeri ad grata yfir svona gjafmildi. Og to ad heitasta hugsunin vaeri Salmonella salmonella ta segir madur bara ja takk og tiggur bita. ( og tekur syklalyf a morgun ef med tarf)

Vid bordudum nyveiddan fisk hja Deliu og kartoflur. Var allt saman mjog gott. Delia (systir Efrains) er otruleg kona, hun elur nu upp eitt barnabarnid vegna veikinda modurinnar og hun tok ad ser foreldralausan strak tegar hann var 8 ara, annars hefdi hann orugglega daid, hann vinnur tvi nuna hja henni. Tad tekkja lika allir hana i torpinu og leita til hennar.
Hun baud lika einni konu i mat sem er einstaed eftir ad madurinn hennar do ur lungnabolgu. Hann var fluttur a spitala en of seint. Tad skal tekid fram ad laeknar koma i torpid einu sinni a ari i mesta lagi. Tad er 30 min akstur til laeknis, enginn a bil og fair hafa efni a leigubil. Svo tetta folk hefur enga heilbrigdistjonustu. Stundum koma hjukrunarfraedingar i sjalfbodalidavinnu. Tessi kona vildi ekki sitja med okkur til bords heldur sat uti i horni. Vid margbudum henni. Emma sagdi mer svo eftir a ad henni fyndist vid svo miklu haerra sett folk ad hun gaeti ekki setid med okkur til bords. Mer leid ekkert sma illa yfir tessu.

Bornin sma smokrudu ser i attina ad manni tegar leid a daginn. Isinn var svo brotinn med fotboltaleik a adalgotunni. Tau vildu ta tiggja avexti, jafnvel brosa a moti en ekki sitja hja manni. Emma sagdi mer ad i einu torpi sem hun hafi heimsott hafi bornin kallad hana gudanafni, sama nafni og inkarnir kolludu fyrstu spanverjana, tau hofdu aldrei sed hvita manneskju.
Margir af teim fullordnu komu ad tala vid okkur og tau voru otrulega hlyleg og indael. Sumir komu bara til ad taka i hendina a manni.

Manni finnst ad stjornvold aettu ad hjalpa folkinu meira, Emma segir tau hrikalega spillt og tegar laeti verda geri tau bara eitthvad sma, nokkur erlend fyrirtaeki fjarfesta her og svo ekkert meira. I raun tarf folkid hjalp vid ad byggja nyjan infrastruktur, fa td lestar til ad flytja hraefni og folk svo tad geti selt tad sem tad framleidir.

Ja akkurat nuna er eg takklat fyrir ad hafa faedst a Islandi, eiga fjolskyldu, komast i skola, fa laeknistjonustu og svelta aldrei.

Knus til ykkar allra

Monday, June 13, 2005

Still in Cusco

I have fallen in love with this beautiful city. So I have spent too much time heare.

I will leave Cusco probably on wednesday morning and go to Aeroquipa to meet and australian guy ( the brother of Dan, my australian friend whom used to live in Iceland) we will probably treck there, then go to Lake Titticaca and back to Cusco on the 23 th.

This weekend has mainly been lazy, i spent most of the time on the balcony in my hostel, yesterday was great fun since couple of scottish guys brought giutars and around 10 uf us singing and playing. It was great fun.

Not su much more to say now.
See you all later

Saturday, June 11, 2005

More Inca ruins

Hae pabbi og mamma. Gott ad vita ad allt er i orden.

Agust, hvad er planid hja ter i sumar.
Halli fekkstu emailid fra mer? sendi tad a halliflug@hotmail.com

Hae Sandra Tad vaeri frabaert ef tu faerir i MR en tu kemst samt orugglega inn i kvenno. Kvenno a reyndar ad vera frabaer.

Sendi ter sma sol Lilja min. Eg er ordin brun i framan (sma)

Takk fyrir ad fara med toskuna fyrir mig Doddi. Gott ad vita ad allir komust heilir heim fra Kubu

Hildur og Anna K. Eg er alveg ad fara ad skrifa bref um kubu og peru, aetla ad senda a hildi og hildur tu sendir svo afram a Onnu. Tarf bara ad finna tima til ad skrifa

Hello everybody

Things continue to be great here in Peru. The nights are freezing though. I have been spending the last days with Emma my swedish friend and her boyfriend Efrain. They are lovely and so much fun. We have just been wandering around different, not so well known Inca ruins and taking the local buses which means 20 people in a bus for 10. Very interesting. Or the taxis, which are even more interesting to take, for example yesterday we took a taxi, normal size car, with all togehter 8 people and 2 chickens, Me and Emma sat together in the front seat. Then last night we went to a great restaurant and listened to local musicand did some salsa. We were the only 2 blondes there i might add.

In july the 20th after i finish school i will do the Inca trail, an alternative pathway though and the best part is that Efrain( emmas boyfriend) will be the guide. it will be fun.

So new exciting traveling plans are getting formed, when i know i will write again.

Ciao ciao

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Hae Agust, gott ad allt gengur vel. Erud tid ekki a leidinni heim?

Halli fekkstu emailid fra mer?

Hrabba fekkstu emailid fra mer?

Annars var eg i frabaerum 4 klst gongutur idag, labbadi i 2 klst upp fjall i hinum heilaga dal Inkanna, kom svo ad otrulega flottum vel vardveittum rustum sem voru ut um allt. Sa einnig grafir inkanna sem eru inni i klettunum tar.

Verd allavega nokkra daga i vidbot i Cusco.

Kvedja Gudny

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Sacred Walley of the Incas

Today i visited part of the sacred Walley of the Incas. I was with Emma and her peruvian boyfriend Efrain who is absoloutly adorable. He showed us all these not so known inca ruins that turists normally dont get to see, among them aquaductes that carry water from the glaciers down to the walley. The are stilled used by the local farmers. This was great. We also saw some temples. There are couple of more ruins that I have yet to visit. Many of the ruins have snake images, the snake represents water and fertility and the world under us. (world of the dead)
Some ruins have rainbows, a rainbow means it was a royal familiy, noboy else was allowed to use the rainbow. One of the ruins had still coulored images from the 1200.

Cusco has around 25 degrees in the day but close to zero in the nights. so i am freezing my ass off after carebean temparture in Cuba.

Still havent found new traveling partners but we will se.

Sael fraenkulinan min, dyrka ad fa frettir af heiman. ertu buin ad fa inngongu iskolann?

See you all

Stellita ( litle stella)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


hae mamma gott ad heyra ad allt gengur vel
Eg hitti Emmu a eftir, mun vera her i amk 4 daga tar sem svo mikid er ad sja herna. Vaentanlega mun hun syna mer ymisslegt. Sidan veit eg ekki med hverjum ef flakka um sudur Peru, tad verdur ekkert vandamal tad eru svo margir herna a bakpokaferdalagi.

Well I just love Cusco, it is beautiful, it is clean, it has amazing buildings all around and it has so many nature sight and inca ruins that i just dont know where to begin.
And it is a LOT more safe than lima, i feel much much better heare, only problem is pocket thieves. and so many people trying to sell you stuff.
Today i went horse riding and saw some of the inca ruins it was amazing. I have been hanging out with 3 american kids, they are lovely.

Hrabba og Gummi hvad segid tid? eitthvad akvedid med Braziliu?

Hvernig var afmaelisveislan Halli

Love Stella

Monday, June 06, 2005


I have arrived in Cusco
21 hours in a bus plus 2 hours since they closed the road for road constructions

Sunday, June 05, 2005

to Cusco, Vi ses dar Emma

Hae Agust, tad rignir lika herna, ekki gaman, svo er bara 15 stiga hiti en ekki 35 eins og eg er von.

Halli eg get ekki lesid private skilabod eitthvad skritinn server, sendu mer email a gudnystella at yahoo.com

My last 2 days in Lima have been much better. I have stayed in the safe part of town with a really cool englis girl and we have had a blast. Now i am off to a 21 hours bus ride to Cusco, where my swedish friend Emma is staying, cant wait to see her. From there 3 weeks of south of Peru until school starts, i would like to go to Bolivia but it is not possible at the moment because of road blocks and strikes all over the country

Ciao Ciao G-Doc

Friday, June 03, 2005

A bit of a culture shock

Hallo allir

hafid tad sem best a Italiu, Agust Benni og mamma, tad er frabaert ad fa alltaf frettir Agust tegar madur er einn.

halli, lestu ekki orugglega tessa sidu, hef ekkert heyrt i ter?

Pabbi fekkstu smsid fra kubu? siminn minn virkar ekki i lima. bid ad heilsa ollum.

Well, fist day in lima, i met a nice english girl and we have been walking around today in the center , it has been a lot of fun but we stumbled into a bad neighborhood and had some troubles with 2 guys there but shook them off and walked with a couple of really nice teenage girls back to the right place. The problem was that they have changed the names of the streets so our mamp was all wrong. Aperantly they change the street names all the time around here, very nice.

The attention is a bit uncomfortable but most of the time just whistling and compliments with no problems, i got an engagement ring from a friend in cuba and that helped.

The hostel is very good and in a good area of the city, the center isnt really a nice place.

In 2 days i will head off to Cuscu to meet a friend, and from there I will travel to south of Peru , before starting school.

Hasta Luega
Gudny Stella

Thursday, June 02, 2005


I have arrived at Lima
The 12 hours flight was quite boring but i met a nice girl in the airport who has a boyfriend here and she offered to show me around.
Just wanted to let you all know. my hostel is called Abergue Juvenil Internacional
Ciao Stella

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Last day in cuba, til hamingju med afmaelid lady elin

Elin I , til hamingju med daginn um daginn.

Familien, taska kemur til landsins a fostudag med postkortum, gjof halla og ohreinum fotum. Pabbi eg bid strakinn um ad hringja i tig tar sem mamma verdur uti.

Sorry allir ad fa personuleg email verda, tekurrosa tima ogeg fae ekki svo mikinn tima i hvert skipti

Meira um kubu og hildr sorry nojuna, var rett adur ad raeda vid gaur um leynitjonustuna her sem er vist ansi lik gamla KGB.Folkid er ansi nojad sjalft, te teir sem eru a moti stjorninni. Manadarlaunin eru sem sagt um 12 dollarar, matur sem stjornin skammtar dugar ekki til svo adflestir turfa meira, af teim mat kostar td mjolk 2 dollara, kjuklingur 5 dollara. bensin kostar held eg um 4dollara literinn, nema ef stornvol eiga bilinn ta er bensinid mun odyrara. Allt er miklu miklu dyrara ef stjornin a tad ekki. Teir sem vilja nytt husnaedi td vegna fjolda barna fa tad skaffad en tad tekur vist \tiu ar amk. svo fjolskylur hrugast i alltof litil husnaedi. Sumir mega eiga husnaedi sjalfir, ef teir eru rosa rikir OG vinir Kalla stora. Teir sem eru godir kommunistar mega kapa ser lodu eftir x ar i tagu stornvalda
Ef einhver flyr land er fjolskyldan kyrrsett i amk 5 ar.

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