
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hinum megin við borðið með afa

Nú hef ég verið starfandi læknir í 3 mánuði.
Ég hef oft sagt slæmar fréttir, oft staðfest andlát og huggað ættingja þegar einhver er að deyja. Ég er svo heppin að starfa með læknum og hjúkrunarfólki sem kann að láta dauðann vera virðulegan og ekki meðhöndla fólk alveg fram að loka sekúndunni. Það er mikilvægt að vita hvenær á að hætta að meðhöndla. Mér hefur oft reynst erfitt að stoppa en þá hafa hinir haft vit fyrir mér.

Nú sit ég hinum megin við borðið, afi minn er að deyja á líknardeild Landakots. Það hefur verið yfirvofandi lengi, en er samt alveg jafn erfitt þegar það gerist.
Það er erfitt að sitja hinum megin við borðið.

Afi minn er ótrúlegur karakter, sagði alltaf lítið og kvartaði lítið en var alltaf sterkur. Jafnvel í dauðanum er hann það, hefur ekkert kvartað, segir alltaf að ekkert sé af og virðist ætla að berjast við manninn með ljáinn alveg fram á síðustu mínútu.
Ég vona að þetta styttist nú, hans vegna

Bless afi minn

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Graduation day

Saturday I celebrated my graduation from medical school.
I had a fabulous party in my moms and Bennis house. 70 people came. The reception was great, great food, great speech (me !) and so on. Heiða my friend showed bellydance.
then there was a wild party all night long.
i served a lot of alcohol and people got seriously drunk. i was so drunk. for the first time in life i dont remember what i did all the evening
from photos I know that i did some wild salsa dance, i demonstrated the use of mouth to mouth mask on my friend, i laughed a lot. And most of it i actually remember, except the mouth to mouth part. But i had a fabulous time. It was one of the best day of my life. And i looked so gorgeous.

Now it is 4.00 am. i am working, it has been a very busy night. i havent slept at all and at the moment i sit and wait for a young patiend to arrive.

tchau amigos

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Today i woke up at 10.30. Then i had been working for 26 hours straight, for the last 5 hours i got to sleep, but before that there was no peace, everytime i fell the phone rang and woke me up. It was exhausting. But work was fine.
Then i drove home, after drinking a bit of coffe so that i wouldnt fall asleep for the 45 minutes drive.
I fell asleep again and woke up at 15.00 and felt like i had been drinking vodka all night long. i stayed in the sofa and me sweet brother came, gave me candy and coca cola and after a while i was fine.
Then i actually cooked dinner for my family, it was a great dinner and i am proud.
Last weeks have been a bit exhausting but i have learned many things and i have started to feel good being at home. it is nice, i guess i am adjusting and also all the dancing makes me feel good, i realy like the dancing, both tango and bellydancing.
tchau bonitos

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


In the darkness of the icelandic winter it is fantastic to indulge in the finest dance of south america.
I found a dance partner in one dance class, he is a finish paramedic working here for a few weeks. So now i have formal tango classes on mondays and on wednesday i go to Alþjóðahús, an international coffee house that has tango evenings on wednesday.
Ahora estoy muy feliz.
The 18th of february i will celebrate me being a doctor, with family and friends

take care